Saturday, June 9, 2012

Vermilion, Ohio

We found out that the Poker Run was coming back to Lakeside Yacht Club so we decided that we should get out of town.  The Cleveland Yacht Club decided that QCYC was not worthy so we could not be received at the club.  We decided to head down Lake Erie to Vermilion, Ohio to the Vermilion Yacht Club.

The wind was about 10-12 kts, right on the nose so we motored all the way here.  The wind died early in the afternoon.  We passed a saturday afternoon race in Lorain Ohio.  2 J24's and a Star 7040 were racing, sort of, race abandoned due to lack of wind.

Here is a boat that showed up at Lakeside last night. That's a lot of carbon fibre. Apparently it is Il Mostro (PUMA’s Volvo boat from the last race) on her way to the Chicago-Mackinac Race.

Here is the view from the channel outside of the Burke Airport runway.

Cleveland Lighthouse.

Here is Sansei tied up at Vermilion Yacht Club. Note the white clapboard with black shutter houses in the background.

Vermilion Yacht Club.   There are several Tartans here, including another T4100 tied up outside of the clubhouse.

1 comment:

  1. Love the lighthouse. Height doesn't seem to have been the major feature, eh?
